The images are from four propaganda videos released by the Afghan Taliban following the capture of U.S. Army soldier Pfc. Bowe Robert Bergdahl on 30 June 2009 in Paktika province.
In the upper image, the Arabic caption in the image on the right was taken from an Indonesian language blog (http://dupahang.wordpress.com/2009/12/26/afghanistan-menjadi-vietnam-kedua-ujar-tentara-as-yang-ditawan-mujahidin/); it reads “al-aan…mu‘assasat al-imara lil-intaj al-i‘lami tuqaddim…film al-asir al-amriki bi-‘unwan ’wa-shahida shahid min ahliha—haqq aw batil’” (“now…al-Imara Media Production Foundation presents…the video of the American prisoner, entitled ‘And a witness from her family witnessed—true or false’”). The title of the video is a reference to the Qur’anic story of Joseph and the wife of his master (Q 12:26), which involves a he-said/she-said situation and stresses the importance of an eyewitness account in determining the validity of one version of a story versus another. Thus, the title implies that the video is evidence in support of the Taliban’s attacks on the United States and irrefutable proof of their capture of a U.S. solider.