The image is divided into three parts: the right section contains Arabic text; the left section contains a number of overlaid images; and the center, which has the brightest background colors, contains an image of Usama bin Ladin and several other symbols. The image as a whole seeks to highlight the global nature of al-Qa’ida (AQ) and pay tribute to its leaders and others affiliated with it. This is achieved by including disparate images that reference AQ’s handiwork. In the top left corner is a representation of what appear to be burning twin towers; under that is an image of a blazing DAF bus. In the bottom left corner appears a Syriac or Eastern Orthodox priest, recognizable by his red head-gear. Flanking him are images of what are likely Soviet/Russian soldiers, and a group of Western uniformed soldiers (possibly Israeli Defense Forces) carrying a wounded or dead person.
The caption reads: “taqabbal Allahu ta‘atakum, ‘id al-fitr al-mubarak ihda’an ila al-shaykh al-mujahid Usama bin Ladin wa-ila al-mujahidin fi kull makan, akhukum الشهاب اليماني” (“may Allah receive your obedience, and a blessed Fitr holiday to the honorable warrior Usama bin Ladin and warriors everywhere, your brother al-Shihab al-Yamani”). Al-Shihab al-Yamani is almost certainly the creator of the image. The center image of bin Ladin is clearly of a younger one with a traditional northern Afghan Pakol hat, likely to evoke his days as a fighter against the Soviets.