TV image of Osama bin Laden

Strategy, History, & Goals

Ends, ways, and means. Terrorist organizations are familiar with these concepts and the development of strategy too. Over the course of our history the CTC has studied and released reports and articles about terrorist goals and strategy. Browse the content below to learn more.

Media Coverage

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Wall Street Journal Cites the CTC Sentinel
CTC Commentary on the Death of Usama bin Ladin
Assessing Somalia’s Terror Threat
Local Links to Master Taliban Strategist

Other Commentary

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Perspectives on Terrorism Publishes Bill Braniff & Assaf Moghadam
Revisiting the Early Al Qaeda: An Updated Account of its Formative Years
The Jihadis’ Path to Self-Destruction
Al-Qa’ida Secedes From Iraq

Briefings, Events, & Visits

CTC Lectures at World Affairs Council
Professor Bruce Hoffman Presents Lecture to Cadets

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