Most images contains the name or logo of the designer, here it is Abu al-Hayja’ al-Ansari, whose nisba (nickname) indicates his local, as opposed to muhajir (foreign) origins. The logo contains a yellow open Qur’an in front of an AK-47 and evokes a phrase commonly used by jihadists “kitabun yahdi w sayfun yansur” (a book [Quran] to guide, and a sword [for] victory.” The phrase is attributed to Ibn Taymiya, an influential religious scholar revered by many jihadists.
The yellow and red of the flames invoke the pain of separation and a longing to be united with God, that is, the longing for death and achievement of martyrdom. The fiery red resonates blood, passion, impulse and danger. The yellow floral pattern combines the meaningful color and the familiar floral motif. Flowers in general represent vitality, as well as life and its incessant pace, and thus will evoke notions of life after death, paradise and martyrdom, especially in the context of jihadi imagery.