Militant Imagery Project

The use of propaganda and imagery by terrorist groups has long been an understudied dimension of the broader field of political violence. This project explores the use of imagery and visual themes by militant groups, focusing largely on jihadist media production. Jihadist organizations and individuals inspired by their message are prolific producers and distributors of visual propaganda, and their efforts have expanded exponentially online. However, these images frequently utilize themes which can be inscrutable to those not familiar with the sub-culture. It is our hope that this project will provide academics, practitioners, and students with a basic contextual understanding of the ideas these images convey before they turn to the larger questions of why they are employed, how they work, and what responses they may elicit.

The First Edition of this project was completed in 2006. The second phase (2010-2013) included indexing the project’s initial images, expanding and incorporating new images, and putting all of the images online in a searchable format. Particular attention was given to groups who use images to further financial, material, and ideological support for violence. The imagery dataset provides not just a textual analysis, but also full translation, if texts are part of the image, and a search engine for those interested in specific visual motifs. While by no means an exhaustive list, we feel it provides a sample of the most influential and prominent images and themes. We hope it will serve as a useful tool for practitioners, academics and the general public. Contingent upon funding and interest, we hope to update the dataset to highlight visual themes of additional militant groups in the future.

Logo of “Forum Jihad al-Tawbah”
The image is the logo of the Indonesian jihadi web forum “Forum Jihad al-Tawbah.” The logo consists of a number...
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Banner Advertising AQAP Video Release
The image is a banner link to a video produced by al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula’s media production company, al-Malahim....
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Image of Black Banner with AK-47
The image depicts a black banner with the shahada (Islamic testimony of faith holding that there is no god but...
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Image Commemorating Abu ‘Umar al-Baghdadi al-Husayni al-Qurayshi
While participating in jihad gives a jihadist important religious credibility, death in battle provides immortality, as the deceased is ranked...
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Capture from Video “Fursan al-Shahada”
The image is from a video series entitled (center caption) “fursan al-shahada” (“knights of martyrdom”), part 7. The video was...
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Banner Advertising AQAP Video
The caption reads: “al-aan mu’assasat al-malahim lil-intaj al-i‘lami tuqaddim: ahfad Muhammad b. maslama, radiya Allah ‘anhu” (“Al-Malahim now presents: descendants...
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AQAP Banner
The image is a link to an online video produced by al-Malahim, which is the mouthpiece for al-Qa’ida in the...
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Video Capture of Abu Dujana al-Khorasani
While participating in jihad gives a jihadist important religious credibility, death in battle provides immortality, as the deceased is ranked...
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