During graduation week, the CTC and the Class of 1971 (“Professionally Done”) celebrated their generous donation to the Center and the class’s latest awardee of USMA’s Distinguished Graduate Award.
The Class of ’71 donation fully funds one of the Center’s Senior Fellow positions. In addition, the generous support provided by George Gilmore (USMA ’71) not only funds the Center’s AIAD program but also Senior Fellow, LTG(Ret) Dell Dailey (USMA ’71). CTC Director MAJ Bryan Price provided Class of ’71 alumni with an update on the Center’s activities, CDT Stuart Caudill (Class of 2103) presented his original research under the tutelage of Dr. Nelly Lahoud, and CTC faculty Dr. Scott Helfstein and Mr. Don Rassler briefed a current CTC initiative with the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) that helps American soldiers serving in Afghanistan.