On 13 April, the Combating Terrorism Center traveled to the FDNY Operations Center in Brooklyn, New York, to conduct the 9th Annual CTC-FDNY Crisis Simulation Exercise with cadets from SS464, the Homeland Security and Defense course. Each year, this capstone exercise involves cadets acting as a West Point Incident Management Team during a crisis event such as a hurricane or the denotation of a dirty bomb in lower Manhattan. This year’s simulation involved a cyber attack on New York City, along with other major cities in the Northeast, which resulted in denial of service events, blackouts, transportation disruptions, and other attacks on the critical infrastructure of the five boroughs. The exercise also included representatives from the Army Cyber Institute, officers from the Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, the New York State TAG, and CTC Senior Fellow and FDNY Chief Joe Pfeifer and his team.
CTC Senior Fellow and FDNY Chief Joe Pfeifer addresses cadets during the crisis simulation exercise.
Cadets participate in the 9th Annual CTC-FDNY Crisis Simulation Exercise.
Cadets participate in the 9th Annual CTC-FDNY Crisis Simulation Exercise.