CDT Harry Reed spent three weeks with the FBI’s Fly Team at FBI headquarters. He spent the majority of his first week at the National Counterterrorism Center where he met with agents, gained familiarity with their gear, and traveled to Quantico to visit the Hostage Rescue Team headquarters. While in Quantico, he ran the “Yellow Brick Road” obstacle course with a few agents. CDT Reed also attended the National Media Exploitation Course, which is a forty-hour course consisting of learning how to “rip” data from all forms of digital media. This is a yearly required course for all Fly Team agents. CDT Reed also spent time with the FBI Washington Field Office SWAT Team. He participated in an Active Shooter exercise at an Alexandria, Virginia movie theater, visited Quantico to test his marksmanship skills by taking FBI shooting qualification tests, and participated in a search of a known drug house in the southeast section of Washington, D.C.
CDT Harry Reed (Far Right in Civilian Clothes) participated in an Active Shooter exercise in a movie theater.
Cadet Reed stated, “I was given a bulletproof vest and was able to observe the breaching process, initial detainment, and actively participated in the search of the apartment. After several hours of searching, we found a loaded handgun, a large bag of cocaine, illegal weapons, two small bags of fentanyl, and forty bags of heroin hidden behind a wall.” Cadet Reed continued, “This AIAD provided exceptional motivation to keep working toward my goals and not lose sight of the big picture. It was one of the best experiences of my life.”