On 10 April, the CTC hosted top graduate students from Columbia University in New York City as well as its George H. Gilmore Senior Fellow Dr. Bruce Hoffman of Georgetown University for the Center’s annual cadet symposium on terrorism. The conference allows both Terrorism Minor cadets and doctoral students to present their research on terror-related topics and receive feedback from peers and experts. Cadets Samuel Jones and Megan Bryn participated in the symposium as well as Columbia students Laura Resnick, Richard McAlexander, and Justin Canfil.

Also in attendance was LTC Andrew Gallo, who is completing his dissertation at Columbia University. LTC Gallo is a former Executive Officer in the Department of Social Sciences at West Point.

Dr. Bruce Hoffman, director of the Center for Security Studies at Georgetown University and CTC’s George H. Gilmore Senior Fellow, discusses the evolution of terrorism research.

Justin Canfil (left) and Richard McAlexander of Columbia University participate in the cadet symposium.

Cadet Megan Bryn presents her categorical research to the symposium’s attendees.

Cadet Samuel Jones presents his assessment of the Islamic State in the Philippines.


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