two men smiling with a flag between them

Recruitment & Radicalization

Like any organization, terrorist groups must recruit to sustain their membership. How terrorist organizations radicalize and recruit new members continues to change and evolve, especially with use of social media and encrypted messaging apps. Explore our reports, articles, and other commentary about terrorist radicalization and recruitment below.

Sentinel Articles

Uncovering Extremist Violence in Morocco
Al-Qa`ida Seeking to Recruit African-American Muslims
Evaluating the Terrorist Threat Posed by African-American Muslim Groups
Human Smuggling and Trafficking
Lessons Learned from the September 2007 German Terrorist Plot
The Growth of Militant Islamist Micro-Diaspora Communities
Radical Madrasas in Southeast Asia
Takeovers of Moderate Muslim Institutions
Al-Qa`ida’s “MySpace”
Al-Qa`ida’s Extensive Use of the Internet

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