The image is taken from an al-Qa‘ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) statement that celebrates the would-be “Christmas Day” suicide-bomber ‘Umar al-Faruq al-Nijiri and his attempted attack of 25 December 2009. The image includes an image of an aircraft to remind the viewer of the act attributed to the figure.
The appearance of the regional map of the Arabian Peninsula in the background emphasizes the area as an important theater of jihad and highlights the identity of the group and its affiliated media company. The captions (from top to bottom) read: “hasriyyan lil-malahim—tanzim qa‘idat al-jihad fi jazirat al-‘arab—‘amaliyyat al-akh al-mujahid ‘umar al-faruq al-nijiri fi radd al-‘udwan al-amriki ‘ala al-yaman (“al-Malahim exclusive—the organization of AQAP—the operation of the mujahid [fighter] brother ‘Umar al-Faruq the Nigerian in connection with staving off American aggression towards Yemen”).