On 26-29 October, the Combating Terrorism Center’s Irregular Warfare Group (IWG) took 10 Cadets to visit Fort Bragg, NC. The cadets who attended the trip were the top performers from the IWG’s Unconventional Warfare (UW) Challenge on 03 October. The group visited various units with in the 3rd Special Forces Group and the 1st Special Warfare Training Group.
IWG Cadets received briefs on the current operational environment, realignment to North Africa, the Special Forces (SF) redesign for specialized UW capability, the current SF qualification pipeline, and SF training. Cadets had the opportunity to discuss operations in Afghanistan with current Operational Detachment – Alpha (ODA) commanders, participate in physical training with Tactical Human Optimization, Rapid Rehabilitation and Reconditioning (THOR3) coaches, attend an LPD with Menlo Innovations CEO Richard Sheridan on how to optimize organizational performance, and execute a Leadership Reaction Course designed for the Special Operations Preparation Course.