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Violent Far Right Terrorism

Research products that explore the dynamics associated with violent far right wing terrorism are featured below.

Sentinel Articles

Printing Terror: An Empirical Overview of the Use of 3D-Printed Firearms by Right-Wing Extremists
The Threat Matrix Facing the Paris Olympics
The Russian Imperial Movement in the Ukraine Wars: 2014-2023
The Allen, Texas, Attack: Ideological Fuzziness and the Contemporary Nature of Far-Right Violence
The Targeting of Infrastructure by America’s Violent Far-Right
The Growing Concern Over Older Far-Right Terrorists: Data from the United Kingdom
Poland’s Evolving Violent Far-Right Landscape
The Buffalo Attack: The Cumulative Momentum of Far-Right Terror
A Trickle, Not a Flood: The Limited 2022 Far-Right Foreign Fighter Mobilization to Ukraine
The Iron March Forum and the Evolution of the “Skull Mask” Neo-Fascist Network

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