MAJ Matt Mason graduated from the United States Military Academy in 2001 earning a commission into the Infantry. After graduating the Infantry Officer’s Basic Course, he was assigned to 2nd BCT, 101st Airborne Division out of Fort Campbell, KY. Following assignments as a platoon leader and executive officer, he graduated the Infantry Captain’s Career Course and the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC). Following SFQC, CPT Mason served as a Special Forces Operational Detachment- Alpha team leader and executive officer at 1st Special Forces Group at Fort Lewis, WA. MAJ Mason served four combat tours totaling nearly three years in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Philippines. His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation Medal (with three oak leaf clusters), Parachutist Badge, Military Free Fall Badge, Ranger Tab, Special Forces Tab, and Combat Infantryman’s Badge. MAJ Mason completed his Masters of Public Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School.