Captain David Choe graduated from the George Washington University with a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs and commissioned through the ROTC program as an Infantry Officer. In his first assignment, David served as a Rifle and Mortar Platoon Leader in the 82nd Airborne Division. While assigned to the 82ndAirborne Division, he deployed once to the Helmand Province in Afghanistan. Dave was then selected for service in the 2nd Ranger Battalion.
Dave served in the 2nd Ranger Battalion as a Sniper/K9 Platoon Leader. After promoting to the rank of Captain, he was subsequently reassigned to serve as a Ranger Rifle Platoon Leader and Company Executive Officer. Dave deployed twice more to Afghanistan a part of a Special Operations Joint Task Force.
As a Captain, Dave was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division and served on the Division’s G3/5/7 Staff prior to taking Company Command in 1st Brigade, 2-327th Infantry Regiment. Dave deployed three times to Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel and once to Europe in support of the Ukraine/Russia crisis. Dave was recently selected as a Downing Scholar Class of 2025 and is currently pursuing a Masters in Public Administration at Harvard Kennedy School.