Captain Brennan Abrahamson graduated from Marquette University and commissioned as a Military Intelligence Officer in 2014. In his first assignment, Brennan served as a Human Intelligence and Signals Intelligence Platoon Leader, a Tactical Intelligence Officer, and a Military Intelligence Company Executive Officer in the 3rd Infantry Division. He deployed twice as a junior officer: once to West Africa in support of a Regionally Aligned Forces directive, and once to Central Asia with a Joint Special Operations Task Force in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.
As a Captain, Brennan served in a Detention Battalion as the Senior Intelligence Officer before being assigned to the Regimental Military Intelligence Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment as an Operations Officer. Most recently, Brennan served as the 75th Ranger Regiment’s Cyber Electromagnetic Activities Company Commander. Brennan deployed twice to the Middle East with a Joint Special Operations Task Force in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel and Operation Enduring Sentinel.
His military education includes the Military Intelligence Basic Officer Leader Course, Ranger School, Airborne School, Joint Interrogation Management Course, Signals Intelligence Leaders Course, Ranger Targeting Qualification Course, and the Military Intelligence Captain’s Career Course. Brennan received the Lieutenant General Sidney T. Weinstein Award for excellence in Military Intelligence in 2023.
Brennan is currently enrolled in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service. Brennan is married to Theresa, a Nurse Practitioner and Army Nursing Officer.