The top caption in red states the name and title of Usama bin Ladin (“the martyr shaykh Usama bin Ladin”).
The caption in black reads: “aqsamtu bi-Allah al-‘azim lladhi rafa‘a al-sama’ bi-la ‘amad an lan tahlam amrika wa-la man ya‘ish fi amrika bil-amn wal-aman qabla an na‘ishahu waqi‘an fi filastin” (the caption is a famous saying from UBL which begins mimicking a quote of Q 13:2) (“I swear by God almighty who raised the heavens without supports [end of Qur’anic quote] that America and those who live in America will never sleep [lit. dream] in safety and security before we live in safety in Palestine”). The word “Palestine” appears in red beneath the black caption.
Lastly, the caption in white at the bottom addresses Bin Ladin directly; it reads: “shaykhuna al-habib… kana lan minka al-‘ahd an na‘isha bi-aman. fa-lak min abna’ hamas kullu al-wafa’” (“our beloved shaykh… we had a promise from you that we would live in safety; and so you have from Hamas [our word that] we will fulfill the promise”). The logo of Hamas appears in the top left corner. To the right of the captions is a map of Israel/Palestine depicted without bordering countries or bodies of water. This evokes the national context and scope of that specific jihad, thereby designating the area as an important theater for jihad and implying a national obligation to join the struggle. Note that the location names are in Arabic and English.