The Combating Terrorism Center and the Department of Social Sciences hosted the United States Military Academy’s 51st annual Senior Conference from 19 – 21 April 2015 focusing on unconventional approaches to counterterrorism. The event brought together top-level counterterrorism practitioners and representatives from outside the CT community who face similar, complex problems to facilitate interdisciplinary conversation and generate new ideas for combating terrorism. The event featured keynote addresses from GEN(R) John Abizaid, emeritus distinguished chair of the CTC; Ambassador Michael Sheehan, distinguished chair of the CTC; and GEN Joseph L. Votel, commander of United States Special Operations Command as well as panels led by representatives from the field of complex systems analysis, advertising, sports metrics, financial trading, the media, a variety of NGOs, international organizations, and allied governments.
Click here to access full coverage of the event, including a special edition of the CTC Sentinel and the CTC’s interview series from the event, including conversations with GEN Joseph L. Votel, Commander of USSOCOM; LTG Raymond A. Thomas III, Commander of JSOC; CSM Faiz Wafa, Afghan National Army, Special Operations Command; and ADML(R) Ami Ayalon, former head of Israel’s Shin Bet.