The Combating Terrorism Center co-sponsored a special conference on terrorism and counterterrorism in Africa with the Monterey Institute for International Studies’ Terrorism and Research Education Program (MonTREP) last week. Center faculty members Dr. Scott Helfstein and Dr. Geoff Porter gave panel presentations – Dr. Helfstein presented his latest research on the crime-terror nexus in Africa and Dr. Porter provided his analysis of the future of counterterrorism in North Africa and the Sahel. The launch of the latest edition of the CTC Sentinel, an issue devoted entirely to Africa, coincided with this event and can be found here. The CTC would like to thank BG(Ret) Russ Howard, the founder of the CTC and the current MonTREP Director, and his team for hosting the conference and making this event happen. Former CTC Director of Terrorism Studies, Dr. James Forest of UMASS-Lowell, was also a panel participant and moderator in the two day event.